Salutació del batle de Petra

SALVADOR FEMENIESWelcome to the official website of the town hall of Petra, birthplace of Father Juníper Serra.

Our intention is to publicize the news and the day to day of our beautiful town rich in traditions and history, to publicize our fairs, festivals, landmark buildings and a myriad of activities.

To all the petrers and the whole world encourage you to visit and use this space that will allow you to learn more about the town hall and its services.

You will also find the most important activities that take place in our town. So, you are all invited to visit Petra and enjoy the environment, rest in our squares and share with us your experiences..


Salvador Femenias Riera

Telèfon: 971 830000
Fax: 971830262
Coordenades UTM: 509627, 4384898